About us

If you’re passionate about dressage, at whatever level, unaffiliated or affiliated, British Dressage is here to help further your enjoyment and ensure the sport continues to grow from strength to strength.

British Dressage

A company limited by guarantee and not having share capital with charitable status
Registered in England and Wales
Company no: 344026
Charity no: 1155352
A member of the British Equestrian Federation

British Dressage Trading Limited

A company limited by shares
Registered in England and Wales
Company no: 08712159
VAT no: 180 237228

Registered office of both companies:

Building 2020, Meriden Business Park, Copse Drive, Meriden, West Midlands CV5 9RG

T: 02476 698830
E: office@britishdressage.co.uk

Important downloads




  • To promote the sport of dressage in Great Britain, to actively encourage and develop participation in the healthy recreation of dressage by all people, both able bodied and with any form of disability
  • To improve the standards of riding, the training and breeding of horses, and horsemanship, all to foster the enjoyment by participants in dressage, as well as the safety and welfare of horses
  • To ensure the provision of high quality, safe and well-managed competition for participants in dressage, in particular to encourage and facilitate the development of young and disabled persons
  • To provide high quality training and education opportunities, to maximise the potential of participants and horses through knowledge, understanding, welfare and development
  • To enable all participants to achieve their potential, including identifying and supporting high performance athletes, by fostering representative competition at both national and international level.
British Dressage aims to be the most respected and successful organisation for people passionate about dressage
BD vision & mission


British Dressage is committed to work for the benefit of all in the sport, participating in any capacity, at any level.

British Dressage adopts a collaborative, consultative, inclusive, transparent and open approach to the running of the organisation and strives to communicate effectively at all times. Acting with respect, integrity and professionalism, while delivering the highest standards of service for all members, is at the heart of everything that British Dressage does.

British Dressage endeavours to be accountable to members at all times. Major decisions affecting the membership are open to consultation, while the performance of the staff and volunteers is closely monitored and managed on an ongoing basis.

Respect: We will endeavour to be respectful to everyone, with the welfare of the horse at the heart of everything we do.
Integrity: We will act at all times with honesty and transparency; and commit to be accountable for our actions.
Professionalism: We will remain objective and behave in a professional manner at all times.
Inclusivity: We will adopt a collaborative and open approach to the running of the organisation and strive to communicate effectively at all times
Excellence: We will work passionately to provide the best possible service which ensures quality and attention to detail.

Public Benefits

Amateur sport
By acting as the governing body in Great Britain for the sport of dressage, by providing a fair and accessible competition structure and a safe environment for competitions, by training and listing dressage judges and officials, by composing and making available a series of constructive dressage tests, by encouraging participation at all levels by all, offering equal opportunities for riders of all ages with specific activities to encourage the participation of young and disabled persons, and by offering advice and guidance relating to all dressage matters, British Dressage promotes the amateur sport of dressage.

By providing regional training, including training specifically for young or disabled persons, by administering apprenticeship schemes, by developing equestrian and dressage specific UK Coaching Certificates, by maintaining a trainers' database, by organising National and Judges Conventions open to all, and by showcasing the best talent and expertise at our Championship shows, British Dressage provides extensive education and training opportunities.

Animal Welfare
By promoting good horsemanship, by providing competition opportunities for all types of horses, by guiding judges and stewards at competitions to prevent abuse of horses, by supporting breeding of suitable horses, by carrying out dope testing at events, and by putting the safety and wellbeing of the horse at the heart of everything we do, British Dressage contributes to animal welfare.

By promoting the sport of dressage to all, by providing a safe environment to participate in dressage, by encouraging participation in equestrian sport regardless of age or disability, British Dressage contributes to public health and fitness.