Horse Care Programme

The BD Horse Care programme is designed to help riders learn the fundamentals in caring for horses. We believe that riders should be all-round professionals, both in and out of the saddle, so developing horsemanship and welfare is at the forefront of our training priorities.

What is BD Horse Care?

The BD Horse Care programme is a combination of online and practical learning modules, which aims to boost the care skills of both our youth and senior members, or non-members, alike.

Horse Care focuses on improving skills in four key areas:

• Nutrition
• Grooming
• Wellbeing
• Tack and dress

There will be five tiers in total, starting at the Introductory Horse Care Certificate and progressing to the Advanced Horse Care Certificate.

Register online for just £5 from Intro to Novice and £10 for Intermediate!

Tier One 
Introductory Certificate
Register for the online modules now, contact your region for more information about practical assessments


Tier Two
Preliminary Certificate
Register for the online modules now, contact your region for more information about practical assessments


Tier Three
Novice Certificate
Register for the online modules now, contact your region for more information about practical assessments


Tier Four
Intermediate Certificate
Register for the online modules now


Tier Five
Advanced Certificate
Coming soon!  

Already registered? Log into your Cloudtrainer account to continue working through the programme, monitor your progress and download your certificates.


Guide to assessments

In the booklet below there is a criteria sheet for each Horse Care tier Introductory to Novice, this should help you to work out what you need to do to pass each certificate. If you think you need any training to achieve a certificate, contact your region to find a coach or find out what training is organised in your area.

When you go to an assessment day in your region the assessor will complete a similar criteria sheet and may write comments to help you improve. They will also mark whether you have met each objective with ‘Competent’ or if you need further training with an ‘Not Yet Competent.’


Learning Zone

A handy place to find information to further your knowledge and help you work through the BD Horse Care programme. Watch videos, download guides and read articles all based around the different BD Horse Care topics!