Gift Aid

Help us to make your money go further without spending an extra penny!


Members can help BD make their membership subscription worth even more without any additional cost! This gives us additional monies to plough back into the sport and invest in projects to benefit all dressage enthusiasts.

What is Gift Aid?

Gift Aid is a scheme that enables us to reclaim the basic tax rate on your membership cost and donations. The cost is covered by the Government so you don’t pay a single penny but the value of your donation increases. For every £1 you give us through subscriptions or donations, the taxman gives us 25p.

How do I let you know I consent to Gift Aid?

Using Gift Aid to increase your contribution is really easy! You can give consent by ticking the Gift Aid box when you log in to your online profile:


You can also download and complete a Gift Aid Declaration form, and post this to us.

Find out more about Gift Aid from the HMRC website.

How does it help us?

The money you give through membership and donations funds any number of our many projects to continuously encourage participation and improve dressage in the UK.

Simply by signing up to Gift Aid you can make your money go further without costing you another penny.

Are you eligible?

To qualify you must be a UK taxpayer and pay sufficient tax. If you pay tax at the higher rate, you can claim further tax relief in your self-assessment tax return. We can only claim the basic rate back for higher-rate but every penny counts! Pensioners are eligible if they pay tax - remember you'll need to pay tax on private pension schemes or a savings account, or pay Capital Gains Tax if you sell property or shares so chances are, you'll be able to support us.

If you're not eligible, we'd still love to hear from you. This way we won't contact you about Gift Aid again in future, saving us time and money, and you the hassle.

How long does my declaration last for?

Until you tell us otherwise. At present, as long as you remain eligible, your declaration lets us reclaim past (back to 14 January 2014), present and future subscriptions/donations.

Can I change my mind?

Certainly. If your circumstances change, either way, just let us know in writing or update your preferences under your account.