Quest: Elsie and Skyla

Sisters Elsie and Skyla both share the same passion for riding and compete together on the same Quest team!


Elsie started riding Bambi about two and a half years ago, whos' a 13hh British Spotted Pony that carries 15% welsh in her blood lines, "We bought her from our lovely friends at Kassalic Stud, Bambi was my big sister's first pony."


Taking about their journey together so far, "I have been doing Quest for two seasons now and my highlights are winning the South West Regionals at Chard EC at Intro level. The best bit was being at Nationals with my friend Violet and my sister Skyla, we had so much fun dressing up for the gala!" 


Bambi loves the competition environment as well as training a home, with it being a whole family affair, "She is great away from shows, so trainable and we are always mixing it up with British Showjumping, hacking, working hunter showing, pony club a bit of anything and everything! Mum and my sister are the people I train with, mum doesn't know much about dressage as she was a show jumper so we are all learning together."


Elsie certainly enjoys spending time with her pony Bambi, "When we are not doing dressage we are always mucking about and having fun sliding off the pony's bums! Bambi has a dancing leg when she eats her dinner it's so funny!"


The pair want to continue their dressage career, "I can't wait for next season and fingers crossed we can get to Nationals again because it was so fun!! I would like to be an eventer but  want to carry on with Quest because we have so much fun as a team."

Skyla, Elsie's older sister also competes on the same Quest team, she riders 11-year-old Luigi, "I've had Luigi for a year and a few months now, he's a welsh section C who's 13.2hh, we bought him from a lovely family in Essex but he was bred, raised and broken very locally to us."


Following on from her sisters passion, "I've really enjoyed learning dressage, it's not my main discipline but it's helped with my jumping so much, our highlight was having the highest score on Saturday at (Quest) Nationals and meeting the top riders at the gala."


Talking about her dressage partner, "At home he's normally climbing on the gates so he can see what I'm doing on the yard and bangs his door for his dinner if it is late, he's normally the one sticking his tongue out at the judges when we do our salute! Luigi is nicknamed the licky-saurus because he loves to lick everything and everyone."


Training alongside her sister the pair work hard, "We don't have a arena or flat ground but we do the best with what we have. Luigi loves jumping so we do a bit of BS, XC, arena eventing and lots of fun stuff with our pony club. I really hope we do well next season, we always work hard to be a little bit better but as long as I'm with my licky-saurus I'm happy!"

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