Board election 2020: BD Youth Director
- Written By: British Dressage
- Published: Fri, 28 Feb 2020 14:58
In line with the British Dressage Articles of Association, the position of BD Youth Director is eligible for election at the AGM on 10 September 2020. This is an ideal opportunity for a member to get more involved in developing the future strategy for BD Youth, so please do volunteer your services and help support the sport you love.

All applicants will need to meet the specified knowledge, experience and competencies required for a Board Director, which are available along with the role description for the position. The current BD Youth Director Claire Moir is eligible for a second term.
This notice is being posted as required under articles 18.8 and 18.9, to invite anyone wishing to stand for election for the role to request a nomination paper from the Board of British Dressage and return it completed to the office by midday on 24 April 2020.
Candidates will need to provide a full curriculum vitae, together with a supporting statement detailing how they meet the role requirements, as well as complete a declaration of interests form. All applications will then be reviewed by the Nominations Committee, in accordance with Article 23.3, with interviews conducted before the successful candidates are put forward for election by members. The election will be voted on by members by electronic ballot, to take place before the 2020 AGM. Details of the nominees, including any candidate nominated by the Board of British Dressage under article 18.7.2, will appear in BD magazine and on the BD website.
Nomination forms are now available:
For further information, please contact Angela Green, HR & Office Manager, on or call 02476 698844.