NAF Five Star Winter Championships: catch up
- Written By: British Dressage
- Published: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:24
Beat the post-bank holiday blues and re-live some Magic performances from the NAF Five Star Winter Dressage Championships.

From first time winners and those against the odds, to returning champions and stars of the highest calibre making their mark, the NAF Five Star Winter Championships had it all. Catch up with all the winners, stories, news and interviews from the week, gathered here in an easy one-stop catch up shop.
Show reports
Read the show reports from each day at the NAF Five Star Winter Championships, including full results for each class.
Wednesday 13 April: Featuring the KBIS Preliminary Gold, Baileys Horse Feeds Novice Freestyle Gold, Magic Prix St Georges Gold, SPILLERS Medium Freestyle Gold, Equi-Trek Elementary Silver, Petplan Equine Medium Bronze and Medium Silver Area Festival Championship, Petplan Equine Prix St Georges Bronze and Prix St Georges Silver Area Festival Championship.
Thursday 14 April: Featuring the Prestige Italia Novice Gold, Nupafeed Advanced Medium Freestyle Silver, Magic Prix St Georges Freestyle Gold, PDS Saddles Elementary Freestyle Gold, Equitex Advanced Medium Silver, Petplan Equine Intermediate I Bronze and Intermediate I Silver Area Festival Championship, Petplan Equine Elementary Bronze and Elementary Silver Area Festival Championship.
Friday 15 April: Featuring the Equi-Trek Elementary Gold, Superflex Intermediate I Gold, Baileys Horse Feeds Novice Freestyle Silver, Horselight Medium Silver, Petplan Equine Novice Bronze and Novice Silver Area Festival Championship, Petplan Equine Advanced Medium Silver Area Festival Championship.
Saturday 16 April: Featuring the KBIS Preliminary Silver, Equitex Advanced Medium Gold, Superflex Intermediate I Freestyle Gold, SPILLERS Medium Freestyle Silver, Prestige Italia Novice Silver, Petplan Equine Preliminary Silver Area Festival Championship, Petplan Equine Preliminary Bronze U21 and Silver U21 Area Festival Championship, Petplan Equine Elementary Bronze U21 and Silver U21 Area Festival Championship.
Sunday 17 April: Featuring the PDS Saddles Elementary Freestyle Silver, Nupafeed Advanced Medium Freestyle Gold, Horselight Medium Gold, Petplan Equine Preliminary Bronze Area Festival Championship, Petplan Equine Advanced Medium Bronze Area Festival Championship, Petplan Equine Novice Bronze U21 and Silver U21 Area Festival Championship, Petplan Equine Medium Bronze U21 and Silver U21 Area Festival Championship.
Listen: Winners podcasts
Hear what each new champion had to say about their tests, winning ride and life away from the white boards.
Watch: View on demand with Horse & Country
Horse & Country were on site throughout the week bringing you all the action across all three arenas. Subscribers are able to watch back on-demand, H&C+ is available to purchase worldwide from just £5.99*/month. Find out more about the service and start watching all the highlights again:
Competition clips
If you were competing at the NAF Five Star Winter Championships, you can buy your competition test clips from H&C! Here are the instructions on how to get hold of your championship memories:
- Visit
- Search by the event name and select your clip.
- Once you’ve selected your clip, click on the purchase button.
- You will now see your clip has been added to your basket.
- Click on the basket, click checkout and pay.
- Your clip will be sent to your email address.
Social media
Our team were on site at Hartpury all week capturing magic moments across all British Dressage social media platforms. Visit us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to share, save and tag yourself or any friends and family spotted and snapped throughout the event.