Basic paces - walk, trot and canter

A marching pace with a four time beat
The walk is a marching pace in a regular and well-marked four times beat with equal intervals between each beat. This regularity, combined with full relaxation, must be maintained throughout all walk movements. There are four types of walk: medium walk, collected walk, extended walk and free walk.

A two beat pace with a number of variations
The trot is a two-beat pace of alternate diagonal legs (left fore with right hind leg and vice versa) separated by a moment of suspension in-between beats. There are four types of trot: working trot, lengthening of steps, collected trot, medium trot and extended trot.

A three beat pace with a moment of suspension
The canter is a three-beat pace where, in canter to the right, for example, the footfall is as follows: left hind, left diagonal (simultaneously left fore and right hind), right fore, followed by a moment of suspension with all four feet in the air before the next stride begins. There are five types of canter: working canter, lengthening of strides, collected canter, medium canter and extended canter.