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South & East Inter County Challenge

It seems that this summer, when it rains, it pours, and the recent South & East Inter County Challenge was no exception. With wet and windy conditions our riders, coaches and supporters braved the elements to pull off some fantastic tests in exceptionally challenging conditions. Credit to you all for keeping your spirits high, and then dressing up in such creative Olympic themed costumes for the opening team parade. Congratulations to Norfolk for winning this award for the second year running!  Following a Mexican themed dinner (thanks Bury Farm) and a very imaginative quiz our riders hit the hay for the next day of action.

The sun came out in-between showers and a bit of thunder, but a much more pleasant day for some very competitive dressage. Once again, the ‘challenge’ was a very tightly contested competition, with fractions of a percent in between riders battling it out for individual and team titles. Kent led the way throughout the competition and with just 3% separating places 6th to 4th.

Massive congratulations to our 2024 winners Kent who took the title on the second day with a substantial lead.

Charlotte Dorey, Ava Godley, Hilary Barkaway, Joanne Stacey, Amelia Johnson, Jennifer Garrard, Hannah Folkard, Julie Offen, Jade Philbin, Sarah Leggat, Corinne Murphy, Ruby Lewin.

Our amazing sponsors made sure the rosettes were truly ‘on point’ and HUGE! Thank you to Chris Warren & Partners Equine Dentists for their generous support. Thank you also to Saracen, Premier Equine and TDR Dressage (Tammy Ruffles – the Suffolk Coach) for providing prizes in kind to our lucky winners.

Congratulations also goes to our individual title winners, winning massive classes of 44 riders!

Prelim - Xanthe Gould

Novice – Luke Prior

Elementary - Jessica Williams

With 132 riders and horses to organise and stable on site the Inter County Challenge is an organisational tour de force! As ever thank you to our organisers – Development Officers Sharon Walker and Katharine Perry, to Anne and the team at Bury Farm, to our Judges and team of amazing volunteers – we wouldn’t have a competition without your support!

Finally, a huge THANKS to the fantastic County Coordinators who pull together teams, organise team trials, market activity in the counties and fundraise – it’s a big job and they deserve full recognition for their support to the region.


1. Kent
2. Cambridgeshire 
3. Hertfordshire
4. Sussex 
5. Norfolk
6. Suffolk
7. Surrey
8. London
9. Bedfordshire
10. Essex
11. Buckinghamshire


1. Zanthe Gould Tartan Tiger Sussex
2. Joanne Stacey Iboy Kent
3. Caitlin Madden Garuda Diamond Dakota Norfolk
4. Charlotte Dorey Deards Silver Bounce Kent
5. Claire Yeoman Funtime Frankie Cambridgeshire
6. Fran Hicks Barry Boy II Buckinghamshire
7. Gemma Wood Corgary Pronto Surrey 
8. Debbie Van Praagh Munro Highlander Sussex
9. Scott Allen Wyatt of Bellhouse Herfordshire
10. Lousia Gordon Carrowmeer Masterpiece London 


1. Luke Prior Millview Manuka Rose Cambridgeshire
2. Amy Carter Oakport Cool Dude Norfolk 
3. Paula Bushell Buachaill Rua Norfolk
4. Amelia Johnson Spot the Spot II Kent
5. Charlotte Flaherty Baltimore Bullet Herfordshire
6. Megan Curtis Stanley George Essex
7. Julie Offen Elysium D Kent 
8. Hannah Folkard Kipekee Wakati Kent
9. Carrie Eve Gekko's Gold Suffolk
10. Charlotte Hilliard Bandit Suffolk 


1. Jessica Williams Sir Leanoardo Herfordshire
2. Ruby Lewin CNS Cob Marley Kent
3. Emily Kemp Boleybawn Arctic Surrey 
4. Anita Fenwick-Hutchings Abbottsvale Rhubin Herfordshire
5. Corinne Murphy Firestarter III Kent 
6. Iona Woods Loughnatousa Joey Cambridgeshire
7. Jodie Goodchild Passoaa VT Beekhof Z Buckinghamshire
8. Laura Dowse Blue Hors Rudisha Surrey 
9. Rozzy Prior Royal Rascal Cambridgeshire
10. Isobel Morton Coby Herfordshire 

South & East Awards Ball

16 November 2024 at The Graduate Hotel, Cambridge

Save the date!  All details coming soon for a great night of fun and catching up with friends.

Senior Inter Regionals

18 - 19 May 2024 at Pickering Grange, Leicestershire

The South & East’s huge squad of 36 riders is coming back down to earth after a weekend of fun, sunshine and some superb performances at the Senior Inter Regionals, held at Pickering Grance in Leicestershire.

The squad notched up not one, but two individual titles – congratulations Luke Prior and Charlotte Dorey (Novice and Prelim winners). But also, an amazing 13 other individual top ten placings.

The region then went on to win the overall championship, with team ‘Paco Rabanne’ taking the podium. Congratulations to Helen Bell riding Rathnageera Casino Royal, Charlotte Dorey, riding  Deards Silver Bounce, Catherine Brindley riding Deerleap I and Samantha Black riding Zodibanta.

A very close 4th place were S&E team ‘Hermes’ : Luke Prior riding Millview Mamuka Rose, Nikki Goldup riding Watermill Rocks, Charlotte Fogel riding  Royal William and  Harriet Ford riding According to Archie.

In 10th team place S&E team ‘Cartier’ : Joanne Stacey riding  I Boy, Abi Moore riding Coednewydd Kansas Express, Abbie Cornwall riding Castor and Corinne Murphy riding Firestarter III.

Pivotal to the team’s success was the support of their coaches (Char Lassetter and Hayley Liddiard), committee members (Senior Rider rep Jodie Smith and vice chair Mat Smith) and Development Officers, Sharon Walker and Katharine Perry.

The weekend was summed up by regular SE team rider Lauren Simmonds:

‘I know it sounds like a cliche to those on the outside of team events, but team comps are just the best, you cry and celebrate together. You call tests for people who at 8am on a Saturday are strangers but friends by 5pm on the Sunday. Your tests might not be perfect, but you’re cheering those that were mega!’

Thanks also goes to the S&E squad 2024 supporters The Country Osteopath, Equimotional, Chart Stables and Max Gut Health Equine.

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