The benefits of working out at home
- Written By: British Dressage
- Published: Mon, 11 Jan 2021 17:31
We know our members have busy lives; and that having a love for horses and dressage is a time consuming passion! Leaving little time for other things such as spending some quality time on you.
Training out of the saddle is just as important as training in the saddle, and with so many pressures on everyone's time it can be difficult to prioritise your own health and well being and find the time to exercise. It is still super important to make sure you are keeping active though, and whether it's a daily walk, a 10-minute stretch, or a 20-minute ab workout, there are many benefits to working out at home:
1. You have the freedom to exercise when you want to.
When working out at home, you’ll be able to schedule exercise into your day at whatever time you like! Whether you’re a morning person who never finds the time, or an evening person who feels too tired after a long day - working out at home gives you the freedom to work out when you feel like it.
2. No age limit exists!
If you go to the gym or participate in group workout sessions, these are usually age-restricted. In particular, for gyms, you usually have to be aged 16+ whereas when you are at home, you have the freedom to train in whichever way you like. This could involve a family workout, training with a younger sibling, or teaching your parents a thing or two!

3. More time and cost-effective!
Think back to the days of getting changed into your gym gear, packing your bag, remembering your earphones, and then physically driving or getting a lift to the gym. Nevertheless, this can be a tedious process, which can sometimes take more time than the actual workout itself. Working out at home enables you to be more time-efficient, and saves you the cost of travelling too.
4. The mental benefits
Exercise in general has a variety of mental health benefits too, including the release of endorphins! Endorphins are powerful chemicals in your brain that uplift and energise your spirits, in turn, making you feel on top of the world!
Another mental benefit of exercise is the power of distraction. If you have an active mind and feel like you are constantly thinking about lots of different things at one time, focusing on the present moment allows you to find some quiet time for yourself, and break out of your usual cycle! For more about mindfulness practice and being in the present moment, check out our interview with mindfulness coach Adam here.
To conclude, it is clear that working out at home can have an incredibly positive impact on both our physical and our mental health. Setting small, achievable goals during this time can help you achieve those bigger goals!
Check out our BD member hub to find lots of guided workouts you can do from the comfort of your home, as well as lots more: